We are trained dietitians, mindfulness instructors, wellness coaches, health educators, and clinicians at the University Health Center, as well as other campus partners, here to support your well-being on campus or from home. We will share ways to stay organized, strategies to wake up feeling rested, virtual workshops, and more. Along the way, we will continue to provide opportunities for you to stay connected, build community, and receive support from our team. We offer a hybrid model of in-person, virtual programming and outreach for UGA Campus. Stay in touch with us on social media @UGAHealthCenter and let us know if there are any areas of well-being that you would like us to cover.
Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention
Presented by The Fontaine Center
Free for fees-paid UGA students
Call 706-542-8690
In partnership with Health Promotion and led by guest facilitator Barbara Powers, dance educator and artist teaching at UGA
Join in this 25 minute yoga sequence!
Take 10 @ 2 with The Health Promotion Department
Join us for 10 minutes at 2pm to care for yourself! Mindfulness has been shown to help manage stress, get better sleep, and reduce anxiety. Join the Health Promotion Department from the University Health Center, Monday-Friday at 2pm, for a 10 minute mindfulness series. Each day we will explore a different mindfulness practice.
Check back for Fall 2021 schedule!
In partnership with Health Promotion and led by guest facilitator Kiz Adams, UGA’s Well-Being Coordinator
Mindfulness Moment – Participate in a daily mindfulness moment with your campus community. Every day at 9 am, Kiz will lead a short (less than 10-minute) mindfulness practice. You can join via Zoom at zoom.us/j/246032955. Open to all UGA community members.
In partnership with Health Promotion and led by guest facilitator Kiz Adams, UGA’s Well-Being Coordinator
Noontime Pilates and Yoga classes – Participate in free 45-minute Pilates and yoga classes at noon each day via Zoom. Kiz has been a certified Pilates instructor for almost 20 years. Join in here: zoom.us/j/745316447. Open to all UGA community members.
Led by BeWell Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention
Tue, Feb 15, 6:00 – 7:00 pm, Miller Learning Center, Room 248Engage in a discussion on how healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors are presented in popular movies and TV shows.
<!–Led by Liana Natochy, Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Coordinator from the Fontaine Center Tue, 8/31, 9/14, 10/19, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Tate Center, Room 142
Tue, 11/16, 12/7, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Zoom
Join the Fontaine Center to learn about alcohol and other drugs and strategies to make informed decisions in an environment where alcohol and other drugs may be present. Do carbs soak up alcohol? Is White Claw a standard drink? I don’t drink – what fun activities are there to do in Athens? Does drinking mask stress? Can you experience paranoia with cannabis? What do I do if someone experiences a substance related medical emergency? The presentation will address all these questions and more. Register for the Nov 16 and Dec 7 virtual presentations on the UGA Involvement Network via the links below: November 16 December 7 –> <!–
Led by the BeWell Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention Tue, 9/28, 6:00-7:00 pm, MLC 251
Learn about relationships, communication, setting boundaries, and the role of technology when building healthy relationships.
Register on the Involvement Network –> <!–Led by the BeWell Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention Tue, 10/26, 6:00-7:30 pm, MLC 251
Join the RSVP Peer Educators for a screening of Netflix’s Dirty John. Afterwards, participants will engage in a discussion around red flags to look out for, what to do if someone crosses a boundary, and how to support a friend in an unhealthy relationship.
–> <!–
Percentage Night at Chipotle to benefit The Cottage
Led by the BeWell Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention Tue, 11/9, 5:00-9:00 pm, Chipotle at Alps RdJoin the RSVP Peer Educators at their percentage night benefiting a local, non-profit. The Cottage’s mission is to raise awareness and facilitate the healing of individuals, families, and communities affected by sexual violence and child abuse.
–> <!–Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention Workshop Series Brought to you by the Be Well Peer Educators: RSVP Tue, 3/9, 4/6, 4/20, 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Registration links for each date are available on the UGA Involvement Network by clicking below:
March 9 – Give Your Two Cents On Consent!
Alcohol & Other Drug Trivia Brought to you by the Fontaine Center and BeWell Peer Educators: PADE Tue, 3/9 & 4/20, 7:00 – 8:00 pm Students will be able to test their alcohol and other drug knowledge while learning strategies to make informed decisions around alcohol and other drugs, upstander intervention skills, and Top 100 things to do at UGA and in Athens. Register on the UGA involvement network using the links below: April 20
Put Your Funny Where Your Mouth Is – Comedy Class Performance Brought to you by the UHC Health Promotion Department Tue, Apr 13, 7:00-8:30 pm Join us for a night of laughter and entertainment! UGA Comedy class participants have created their own material and will perform their final stand-up routines. Well-known national stand-up comedian, class instructor, and UGA alumni, Mia Jackson will jump in on the fun. Our virtual audience can find laughter by registering on the UGA Involvement Network: uga.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7052982. –>
Denim Day 2022 Led by the RSVP Peer Educators Wed, 4/27, 11:00 am – 3:30 pm, Zoom
Wear your denim on this international day of support for sexual assault victims.
Join the RSVP Peer Educators at their table on Tate Plaza to learn more.
Part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
<!–Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention Workshop Series Brought to you by the Be Well Peer Educators: RSVP Tue, 3/9, 4/6, 4/20, 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Registration links for each date are available on the UGA Involvement Network by clicking below:
March 9 – Give Your Two Cents On Consent!
Alcohol & Other Drug Trivia Brought to you by the Fontaine Center and BeWell Peer Educators: PADE Tue, 3/9 & 4/20, 7:00 – 8:00 pm Students will be able to test their alcohol and other drug knowledge while learning strategies to make informed decisions around alcohol and other drugs, upstander intervention skills, and Top 100 things to do at UGA and in Athens. Register on the UGA involvement network using the links below: April 20
Put Your Funny Where Your Mouth Is – Comedy Class Performance Brought to you by the UHC Health Promotion Department Tue, Apr 13, 7:00-8:30 pm Join us for a night of laughter and entertainment! UGA Comedy class participants have created their own material and will perform their final stand-up routines. Well-known national stand-up comedian, class instructor, and UGA alumni, Mia Jackson will jump in on the fun. Our virtual audience can find laughter by registering on the UGA Involvement Network: uga.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7052982.
–> <!–Tea Well WorkshopsLed by Liana Natochy, Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Coordinator from the Fontaine Center
Wednesdays, 2:00 – 2:30 pm
Tea Time! Join the Health Promotion Department to learn about tea, common varieties of tea, how to make the perfect cup of tea, and how tea can support well-being, such as aiding in relaxation, immune system support, energy, sleep, and more. The first 25 registrants for each workshop will have a chance to get free blended tea.
More information and the registration links for each date are available on the UGA Involvement Network:
April 7
April 28
May 5 –>
BeYou Panel: Body Image on a College Campus
Led by the UHC Be Well Peer Educators: BeYouTue 2/1, 4:00-5:00 pm Thu 3/24, 5:30-6:30 pm Mon 4/18, 6:00-7:00 pm
FYOS approved!
Join BeYou Peer Educators for a pop up panel discussion on body image. During this panel discussion, BeYou Peer Educators will discuss their tips for interrogating body image expectations on a college campus, and attendees will have time to ask questions and engage in casual discussion. This event is suitable for students anywhere on their body image journey and is a great complement if you have previously attended a BeYou workshop. Space is limited to 15 participants.
Register on the Involvement Network!
Led by the UHC Be Well Peer Educators: BeYou
Wed 2/16, 6:00-7:00 pm, MLC Room 153 Tue 3/1, 6:00-7:00 pm, MLC Room 153 Mon 4/4, 4:00-5:00 pm, MLC Room 153 FYOS approved!
Join the Be Well Peer Educators: BeYou for practical tips on challenging negative body talk and a dialogue on social media, body image, and well-being.
Led by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists from the UHC Health Promotion Department On Zoom: Mon, Feb 21, 4-5pm; Mon, Mar 21, 7-8pm; Tue, Apr 5, 4-5pm; Tue, Apr 19, 7-8pm
Call Health Promotion to register: 706-542-8690
In this course, we will discuss basic components of a nutritious diet, meal planning strategies, and common nutrition concerns for undergraduate and graduate students. These classes do not require a medical referral and all students are eligible to attend at no cost. Students will have an opportunity to chat and ask questions with the UHC Nutrition Education Coordinator and/or nutrition interns.
These classes are not intended as individual medical nutrition therapy. Students with medical concerns should obtain a referral from their medical provider to register for one on one nutrition counseling with our registered dietitian nutritionists.
In addition to our Nutrition Basics classes, there will be two additional classes offered via Zoom at no cost to students: Mon, Mar 28, 4-5pm – Meal Planning 101
Sexual Health Workshops Led by the UHC Be Well Peer Educators: Safer Sex Ambassadors These virtual workshops will provide an overview of sexually transmitted infections and birth control methods. Through interactive discussions, participants will learn about reducing risk behaviors, contraceptive options, correct condom use, and campus resources. Students are welcome to ask questions and share what they’ve learned. Register in advance on the Involvement Network using the links below: Thu, Mar 25, 6:30 – 7:30 pm – Birth Control Wed, Mar 31, 6:00 – 7:00 pm – Sexually Transmitted Infections Thu, Apr 15, 6:30 – 7:30 pm – Sexually Transmitted Infections9
UGA Psychology Clinic Racial Trauma Guide Provided by the UGA Psychology Department, campus resource and partner to UHC Developed by the Racism Pandemic Task Force with support from the EMPOWER Lab, the Racial Trauma Guide is a resource for crucial “discussions about race and inequality and to provide Black Americans with the resources to engage in cognitive, behavioral, and collective coping strategies.”
Wellbeing in Context: Community Our individual wellbeing must be explored within the context of community wellbeing, “the combination of social, environmental, cultural, and political conditions identified by individuals and their communities as essential for them to flourish and fulfill their potential” (Wiseman and Brasher, 2008). In other words, in addition to building skills for supporting your own wellbeing, you must also be invested in the wellbeing of your community to experience lasting and sustainable change. Some helpful ideas can be found in this post on the #BeWellUGA blog!
#BeWellUGA at Home: Quarantine and Chill? Dating During Social Distancing Check out these tips for dating and relationships during social distancing on the #BeWellUGA blog!
#BeWellUGA at Home: Make Time for Self Care Need some ideas and strategies for self care while you are staying home? Check out the suggestions on this post on the #BeWellUGA blog!
#BeWellUGA at Home: Sleep Sleep is the best way to maintain a healthy immune system and can have a significant influence on your physical, emotional, intellectual, and social well-being. At minimum, 7-8 hours of sleep per night is ideal to support the body and mind. Read more on the #BeWellUGA blog!
#BeWellUGA at Home: Time Management The UHC Wellness Coaches share strategies to work, learn, and study from home on the #BeWellUGA blog!
#BeWellUGA at Home: Essential Oils Looking for a fun project to do at home to energize and recharge? Try making an essential oil roll-on! Information & instructions on the #BeWellUGA blog!
#BeWellUGA at Home: Take Time for Tea Learn about the difference between different kinds of teas and how to make the perfect cup on the #BeWellUGA blog!
Explore the Store Blog Series Do you find yourself buying the same things when you are grocery shopping? Want to spice things up? Well, welcome to Explore the Store! Each week a new item found at your local grocery store will be featured on the #BeWellUGA blog! Explore the Store: Avocado, Carrots, Kimchi, Matcha Green Tea, Nutritional Yeast, Spaghetti Squash, Tempeh
#BeWellUGA: Eating Well During Times of Stress What do you eat to take care of yourself when cooking feels overwhelming? Check out some ideas and encouragement on the #BeWellUGA blog!
#BeWellUGA: UHC Nutrition Kitchen Cooking Demos
While we are waiting to resume in-person cooking classes, our registered dietitian in the UHC Health Promotion Department has put together a series of videos to cook some of our classic recipes:
Egg Roll in a Bowl Black Bean & Veggie Quesadilla Scrappy Frittata Apple Cinnamon Smoothie Matcha Smoothies Pumpkin Smoothies Cranberry Crisp