Managing Stress: Campus Resources
Ask yourself, “What are my symptoms?” Keep in mind that while stress can be the cause of many symptoms, there is the possibility of an underlying disorder that will need attention.
Ask yourself, “What are my symptoms?” Keep in mind that while stress can be the cause of many symptoms, there is the possibility of an underlying disorder that will need attention.
What do you feel to be the main cause(s) of your stress?
What do you feel to be the main cause(s) of your stress?
Consider learning time management techniques. For help with time management, contact the Division of Academic Enhancement, 706-542-5436.
Symptoms of anxiety can include shortness of breath, dizziness, and heart palpitations. Depression symptoms can include lethargy, lack of interest in usual activities, and changes in eating habits. There are other symptoms, too. If you have some or all of these, see the clinician of the day, Counseling and Psychiatric Services. (CAPS), 706-542-2273.
Make appointments with your instructors and advisors. Also, contact the Division of Academic Enhancement, 706-542-5436.
Counseling is available through Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), 706-542-2273; Center for Counseling and Personal Evaluation, Aderhold Hall, 706-542-8508; Psychology Clinic, Psychology Building, 706-542-1173; ASPIRE Clinic, McPhaul Child & Family Development Center, 706-542-4486. Call 706-542-SAFE for confidential information and consultation on relationship abuse.
Talk to your Resident Assistant or contact the UGA Housing Department: 706-542-1421.
Physical pain such as TMJ or other facial pain, stomachaches, headaches, backaches. Contact your Medical Team, Dental Clinic (706-542-8700), or Massage Therapy (706-542-8634).
Make appointment with nutritionist, Health Promotion Department, 706-542-8690. If you are on a UGA meal plan you may also contact Food Service’s Registered Dietician at 706-542-7313.
Free smoking cessation program, 706-542-8666 or 706-542-8690. Alcohol/Other drugs: Visit Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), 706-542-2273, to arrange an A&D evaluation or visit the Health Promotion Department for education and counseling for alcohol and other drug issues, 706-542-8690.
Have a thorough physical evaluation with your Medical Team, and then, if appropriate, referral to Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), 706-542-2273; The University of Georgia Regents’ Center for Learning Disorders, 706-542-4589; and the Disability Resource Center, Clark Howell Hall, 706-542-8719.
Have a thorough physical evaluation with your Medical Team, and then, if appropriate, referral to Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), 706-542-2273.
Check with Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy for relaxation classes & massage therapy services (706-542-8634). Exercise CAN help; yoga classes are available at the Ramsey Center and in the community.