What is Peer Education?
Peer Education is students learning from other students. The goal is to help students develop the tools needed for making informed choices and functioning more effectively with others and in groups.
Peer Education is students learning from other students. The goal is to help students develop the tools needed for making informed choices and functioning more effectively with others and in groups.
Who are Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention?
Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention are students who educate other students on relationship & sexual violence in order to make a difference on campus. Peer Educators are responsible, enthusiastic, dedicated student leaders that help provide workshops, facilitate discussions, and help with campus events.
Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention are students who educate other students on relationship & sexual violence in order to make a difference on campus. Peer Educators are responsible, enthusiastic, dedicated student leaders that help provide workshops, facilitate discussions, and help with campus events.
What Can Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention provide?
Peer Education programs can include formal presentations, peer theatre, facilitated discussions, interactive games, informational table booths, implementation of campus-wide events/campaigns.
Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention may help with the following:
Peer Education programs can include formal presentations, peer theatre, facilitated discussions, interactive games, informational table booths, implementation of campus-wide events/campaigns.
Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention may help with the following:
- RAs looking for interesting programs
- Chapter officers in need of ideas and presentations for training or programming
- Student organizations looking for an event co-sponsor
- Attending RSVP Peer Education training workshop
- After orientation and training specific to your topic interest you could expect to be doing peer activities 2 to 3 hours a week.
- Attending one-hour planning/training meetings twice per month
- Designing, organizing, and participating in campus-wide awareness activities
- Designing and helping present outreach programs
- Staffing information booths
- Designing and distributing flyers, brochures, and other promotional materials
- Assisting with the planning and implementation of the No Shave November, Healthy Dawg Workshops, Sexual Violence Awareness Month, Relationship Violence Awareness Month, Safety Awareness Month and Safer Spring Break, among others
- Gain extensive knowledge and training about relationship and sexual violence, stalking & sexual harassment
- Become part of a highly skilled, diverse team of students committed to providing accurate, nonjudgmental information to the UGA community
- Develop teaching, communication, presentation, and group facilitation skills
- Become a recognized member of the Student Health Center volunteer staff
- Contribute significantly to the growth of the RSVP Peer Education program
A strong RSVP peer educator applicant should possess the following qualities:
- Strong interest and enthusiasm in promoting campus safety among your fellow students
- Open mind to cultures, practices, and sexual orientations different from your own
- Sensitivity to controversial and personal topics that are sometimes embarrassing, and have a willingness to talk candidly about them
- Ability to articulate the facts about preventing violence and dispel myths and misconceptions
- Demonstrate a sincere concern for others, their well-being and quality of life
Operational skills
- Speak publicly in a positive, engaging, interactive, and nonjudgmental manner
- Facilitate group discussions and include all members of the audience
- Show concern and empathy in a one-on-one information-sharing format
- Function in a group, both as a leader and as a supportive team member
Thank you for your interest!
We look forward to receiving your application or inquiry. This is an exciting opportunity for you to be part of an effort to raise awareness and education of sexual violence. So, if you have the interest and time to devote to being a RSVP Peer Educator we encourage you to apply! For more information call 706-542-8690.
We look forward to receiving your application or inquiry. This is an exciting opportunity for you to be part of an effort to raise awareness and education of sexual violence. So, if you have the interest and time to devote to being a RSVP Peer Educator we encourage you to apply! For more information call 706-542-8690.