The Division of Student Affairs’ mission is to enhance the learning environment for students at the University of Georgia (UGA). This is accomplished by stimulating the learning process, integrating the in-class and out-of-class experiences, promoting an environment conducive to growth and discovery, and facilitating intellectual, spiritual, social, occupational, physical, cultural, and emotional development.
Providing learning experiences for UGA students is at the heart of both the mission and the vision statements for the Health Promotion Department. Following are registered student organizations that focus on health promotion and wellness issues.

Be Well Peer Educators: Peers for Alcohol & Other Drug Education Advisor – Liana Natochy, Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Coordinator The Be Well Peer Educators: Peers for Alcohol and Other Drug Education (PADE) represent The Fontaine Center and empower students to make informed decisions about alcohol and other drugs while at UGA through prevention education and outreach. Members host a variety of workshops, educational programs, and substance-free events for the campus community. Be Well Peer Educators: Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention Advisor – Cameron Conner, RSVP Education and UMatter Coordinator The RSVP Be Well Peer Educators represent The Fontaine Center and educate students on healthy relationships, active bystander intervention, and survivor support. These students facilitate workshops, educational activities, and campus events to empower their peers to take action in interpersonal violence prevention. Be Well Peer Educators: Safer Sex Ambassadors Advisor – Camilla Herndon, Sexual Health Coordinator The Be Well Peer Educators: Safer Sex Ambassadors promote healthy sexuality through a non-judgmental, inclusive, sex-positive approach. These students have a passion for sexual health and provide peer education through educational outreach activities, workshops, and campus events. Be Well Peer Educators: Be You Advisor – Staci Belcher, Nutrition Counseling Coordinator The BeYou Be Well Peer Educators invite diverse audiences to reflect on and strengthen their relationships with their bodies through open dialogue and skill building activities. Members facilitate interactive workshops on body image for classes, student groups, and the campus community.
PNEs: Peer Nutrition Educators
Advisors – Beth Kindamo, Nutrition Education Coordinator, and Katherine Ingerson, Food Services Dietitian
Students in the Food and Nutrition major (or Health Promotion and Behavior majors who have taken nutrition courses) can apply to be Peer Nutrition Educators (PNEs). They must first take the PNE class and are then eligible to become PNEs.
Apply to become a Peer Nutrition Educator
For inquiries about Health Promotion opportunities contact Liz Prince,
If you are interested in student employment within the Communications Department, please contact Kristine Groft,
For assistance with administrative-type duties, the Health Promotion Department offers two federal work-study positions in the Fall and Spring semesters. If you are eligible for the work-study program and would like to apply for a position, please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid Federal Work-Study website.