- Family History
- High Tolerance
- Blackouts
- Accidents and injuries
- Passing out (unconsciousness)
- Gastritis
- Emergency room visits
- Nausea and vomiting
- Mysterious bruises
- Blackouts (memory loss)
- Frostbite
- Hangovers
- Academic failure
- Not living up to one’s academic potential
- Missed classes
- Difficulties with deadlines or procrastination
- Scheduling afternoon classes to accommodate late night drinking
- Impotence in males
- Unintended pregnancy
- Wearing “beer goggles”
- Sexual assault
- Delayed orgasm in men and women
- Failing to use safer sex techniques
- Contracting a sexually transmitted disease
- Inability to resist an unwanted sexual advance
- Sexual activities that are contrary to one’s values
- Loss of self-respect
- Personality changes
- Mood swings
- Paranoia
- Embarrassment or guilt
- Driving under the influence (no arrest)
- Causing emotional pain to friends or loved ones
- Problems with legal or university authorities
- Property damage
- Social isolation and withdrawal
- Depression
- Panic and unexplained fears
- Fights and arguments
- Arrests for driving while intoxicated
- Alcohol focused recreational activities
- Drinking to feel more confident in social situations
- Gulping drinks (especially the first few)
- Drinking before a drinking event (pre-game)
- Drinking more than one intended to drink
- Inability to carry out an intention to “cut down”
- Inability to predict how much one will consume
- Inability to predict one’s behavior when drinking
- Spending substantial amounts of money on alcohol
- Relieve anxiety, insomnia, pain, or depression
- Finding excuses to drink
- Preoccupation with the next drink or drinking event
- Annoyed or angry when one’s drinking is discussed
- Family or friends concerned about one’s drinking
- Drinking again soon after becoming sober
- Drinking alone, sneaking drinks, hiding bottles